
MGS Golf

Management Development Programme

England Golf and GCMA to pilot MDP Level One course next March

Story published at 1:13, Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

CMAE-MDP-LdscpeThe Club Managers Association of Europe (CMAE) has announced that agreement has been reached with England Golf, the governing body for golf in England, and the Golf Club Managers Association (GCMA) for a Management Development Programme (MDP) Level One course to be piloted at the University of Warwick in the central West Midlands area 17-21 March 2014.

After many months of discussions, England Golf has agreed to stage the MDP Level One course which has been so well received in Scotland, France and Spain. They will be promoting the course to all their affiliated golf clubs in England, and the Golfing Union of Wales will be doing the same to their affiliated clubs. In addition, the GCMA will be encouraging their membership to participate in the course. As a result, CMAE anticipates that the 25 places will be booked very quickly. For details, see

The Club Managers Association of Europe (CMAE) is committed to advancing the profession of club management throughout Europe; to build and share knowledge through education and professional development; to develop best practice within the club industry and to assist members to build a positive network of support across Europe and beyond.


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